Privacy Policy

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Social Security Numbers (P.A. 08-167)

We may collect certain personal information, including Social Security numbers, in the course of our business and our dealings with you. We will make what we believe to be reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality of the Social Security numbers we collect.

We protect the confidentiality of the Social Security numbers we collect in the course of business by maintaining physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect their confidentiality, including:

  • Limiting access to the Social Security numbers we collect
  • Prohibiting unlawful disclosure of the Social Security numbers we collect
  • Reviewing these safeguards on a regular basis
  • Training our employees in the proper handling of Social Security numbers
  • Requiring that third parties with access to Social Security numbers protect their confidentiality
  • Share information only with your permission and knowledge

We and our affiliates are committed to protecting your privacy. We may update this Privacy Policy
from time to time as necessary.
